

Even though your child has reached their final year of primary education, and therefore in many cases has become an independent reader, it is still vitally important that they read alongside a parent/ guardian. Please encourage the children to read/share books at least five times per week (even if these are for short 5/10-minute sessions). Every Friday, reading records will be collected in and your child’s reads shall be counted. Furthermore, your child has access to the fabulous Reading Plus programme- this can be accessed for additional reading support. Reading can be wonderfully pleasurable, and here at Keelby Primary Academy, we hope to develop confident readers.

See the source image


Maths Fluency


In year 6, we aim to have all the children confident and rapid in their recall of the multiplication facts up to 12 x 12. Please access TT Rockstars to help with this.


We aspire to ensure that they are confident with the four operations: column addition (including with decimals), column subtraction (including with decimals), long multiplication and long division.


We aim to ensure that the children are confident to find equivalent fractions, which in turn allows them to order, add/subtract and simplify fractions.


Finally, we ask that they are confident when telling the time - both with analogue and digital clocks.




Presentation is extremely important to us at Keelby Primary Academy; we aim to ensure that the children write with joined, cursive writing. If your child needs additional support with this, we will set them additional handwriting homework.




The Year 6 spelling list is printed into the children’s homework books. It can also be found here: SpellingWordList_Y5-6.pdf (


PE Days

Our PE afternoon will usually be Tuesday. Please ensure that children have a full PE kit in school all week, including for colder weather to allow for flexibility. Long hair should be tied back, and earrings removed as outlined in the school’s uniform policy on our website.


Oak Learning Documents

Updated: 21/01/2025 2.22 MB