

A red and white sign

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Maths Fluency and how you can help.

Throughout Year 1 we continue to embed subitising to 10. Adding within 20 and number bonds to 20. Days of the week and telling the time using both digital and analogue clocks, to o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.

The free White Rose 1 minute maths app is a useful tool that can help to increase our children's maths fluency considerably.


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Description automatically generatedAs a school we have purchased a handwriting programme called Letter-Join, . This has an online platform that children can access at home. Common exception words for year 1 and 2 are preloaded so the children can combine their learning of spellings with their handwriting practice.


PE Days

Our PE usually happens on a Thursday afternoon, however this can change. Please ensure that children have a full PE kit in school all week, including indoor and outdoor kits for colder weather to allow for flexibility. Long hair should be tied back, and earrings removed as outlined in the school’s uniform policy on our website.